happy valentine's day!
frankly, i don't have anything to post. it's 19 degrees here in south jersey and it is cold as $%$!!*& outside. i don't know if i will be able to adjust to the east coast. (i'm from cali north) i watch the weather news reports on tv and just laugh when the weathercaster(s) forecast "upcoming warmer weather soon" and what they mean is it being "in the low 30's!!" and i use to complain about 60 degree weather in cali. east coasters experience 4 REAL seasons. i'm use to two: "mild"- 72 degrees and "somewhat mild"- 70 degrees.
i don't like to dwell on things political, simply because it just pisses me off...BUT, what happen to all the people with common sense in the united states. have they all gone underground? moved to canada? are we so "blase" about everything, so self-involved or numb to all that is happening in the world, current news events, etc. etc., that we have lost the ability to know what simply is wrong and what is right? yeah, i know, i have yet to give an example of something, anything, but i'm on a %$!!*# rant! i really believe that nobody truly cares unless it directly involves "numero uno". AND the ones who do care don't really have: the "backing", the "lobbyists', the "deep-pockets", the right connections, the economic means, and so on and so forth, to really make a difference. sorry, i'm a "glass half empty" kinda guy.
what set me off? well, okay this was it- bush's speech a coupla weeks ago was basically a drawn out explanation of why we need to send 21,000 more troops to Iraq. i find it interesting that in the last coupla days the defense department has "discovered" strong encriminating evidence that Iran has been deeply involved in helping Iraq's war efforts. imagine that, how convenient of them to have this information, soon after the big speech. coincidence? look for bush's staff to come out in a couple more days to further justify the deployment of troops, because of this "new development". just wait. disinformation, cover-ups, outright lying- yep, politics as usual. (or should i say, republican politics, as usual.) i remember when they (republicans and every "holier than thou" christian fundementalist) tried to crucify Clinton for getting a non-spousal blowjob. bush pushes the national debt back up in the trillions, shows us, over the last 6 years that he is basically a dundering,idiotic nincompoop and what happens? he gets voted in for another 4 years. AND, oh yeah, dragging us into a stupid war. in the name of "democracy" my ass, we all know it was in the name of "oil", big business and bush's saudi friends. AND the fact that the republicans (and alot of americans) thought they could "take" the country in a matter of weeks and the iraqis would love us for it. welcome to the new millenium's vietnam (times 10).
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