has it been that long?
wow, my last blog entry was in february. actually, i forgot about this particular blog. i thought it was overwritten or something where i thought it no longer existed. a glitch.
i think i bit off more than i could chew regarding the many promotions that i've created. "created" being the operative word since most of them have been created BUT not actually promoted. i've been promoting agloco, searchbigdaddy.com, my emarketing feed, several traffic building affiliate programs, 3 network marketing sites, ...uh,
too many to type. actually i'm to lazy to remember. i'm considering utilizing atomicblogging program. i haven't purchased it yet though.
being in south jersey after living in northern cali is kinda strange for me, weather wise. i cannot believe how dangerous it is to be outside in a lightning storm! it just blows my mind. the last one seemed like it just hovered right over the house. it sounded like an alien lightshow mixed in with a B52 bombing air strike. And this was going on while a thousand fireflies were buzzin' around the backyard.
i think adsense is all but over. okay, i take that back. if adsense is not dead, then lets say it's alive with one foot lingering over the grave. i've been looking into contextual clickbank ads and the like. if anybody knows of any good ones i would be interested in hearing from you. amazon ads and auction ads may be the way to go nowadays. (now-a-months?)
i firmly believe gurus profit because they are one step ahead of the crowd, not 'cause they're smarter but because they only release their tips, tricks and strategies after they've gotten all they can out of it AND THEN let the rest of us emarketers in on it. can you blame them though? it's all about the benjamins. i know some will say that these statements o'mine are broad and no examples are given BUT it's basically just a mini-rant. it's 10 am and i've been up since yesterday morning. (around 4 am.) i can't even get a decent nights rest over here. i think my body is saying to go back to cali because my mind is still there.
i have a pet peeve. i don't have the bestest grammar in the world but PUHLEEEEZE EVERYBODY WHO DOES THIS- use the word "they're" NOT "their". these two are the most grammatically misused words i have ever come across. as such:
their coming over tonight
their on their own
their either deaf or dumb
anyhoo, whadaya goin to do.
soji ;-]
Are you an aglocoist? What is an aglocoist? go here: http://thealexangroup.com/says/be-an-aglocoist.html
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